Goodbye Note to Gmail
I remember getting an invitation for you back in the day, people were going crazy selling invites on eBay and it was the hottest thing in the net. You brought a fresh perspective to email and modernised it, before hand emails most revolutionary element was called Microsoft Outlook!
I ignored the ads and the concerns about data privacy as it was the price to pay for your service. Over the years I slowly migrated away from your clean interface to start using email clients that freshened up the email perspective but I was still having to work hard on my inbox.
A few years ago I decided to utilise G Suite for my own domain and thus utilise Gmail as my email provider, having the ability to have multiple alias for various aspects I thought it might be a great way to filter the crap. I created,,, and, I thought I solved my problem by having these avenues and filters to organise my emails in a logical way! I thought I was so smart! But in the end it descended into chaos as in the end all of the items were still coming to the same inbox.

Then came along another approach to email!! I love the work over at Basecamp, I appreciate how they work and what they stand for. They just launched their idea of what email in 2020 should be and I am in love with it! Email is now great again and no longer is a modern chore to handle. You see Gmail, even though I’m not gone just yet, I’m slowly packing up my items and migrating my stuff away! I believe email is worth paying for and I hope one day someone revolutionises social media with a paid approach, but I know this will be a monumental task!
Goodbye Gmail 👋